The most important questions about autism
The Fifth Diagnostic and Statistical Manual issued by the American Society (DSM5) stated that the autism spectrum appears from birth to the age of seven and can be detected, and it is necessary that two symptoms meet
The first: the presence of repetitive stereotyped behaviors.
Second: Lack of social communication, which includes (visual communication, verbal and non-verbal communication, social interaction).
If the child appears from birth to the end of the seventh year, the presence of these two symptoms diagnoses that this child has an autism spectrum.
But if the child does not show stereotyped, repetitive behaviors and only lacks social communication, then he is diagnosed as having (social communication disorder), and this is a new diagnosis that only appeared in the fifth evidence.
* Note / what is meant by stereotypical repetitive behavior is the behavior that affects the child's sense of his social environment, and affects his awareness and understanding of things .and situations.
Symptoms of autism spectrum disorder usually appear between the ages of two to three years
The scientifically correct phrase is (virtual world) and not virtual autism, which is the one in which children live affected by the large number of observations.
These behaviors need to analyze the situation and find out whether biting, screaming and stubbornness is a behavior or a permanent problem.
First: The family that has a young man on the autism spectrum needs to understand the meaning of the psychological needs that a young man with autism demands. This young man only wants to pay attention and show acceptance for him, his behavior, and his containment.
Second: Organizing the life of the young man with autism according to what he loves and desires.
Third: Paying attention to the logical needs that help him practice his life without pain..
n this case, the English language is the first language, as it is a basic choice that a person with autism loves, and he wants to express it.
Dealing with sexual desires is a reaction to unsatisfied needs and emotions. The basic human emotions (anger, fear, sadness, happiness, confusion and confusion) are not allowed for our children with autism to practice them in the way they want, so anger is forbidden to them. They are prohibited from behaviors that indicate fear, although they are behaviors that give them safety and calm. As well as sadness and hesitation .... Even happiness may be interpreted incorrectly. Sexual expression, in its degrees from the moral to the material, is an expression of his affection, and the problem is not in expressing the emotion, but the problem lies in the way of expressing this material emotion, which was not planned by the majority of young people. autism spectrum Parental solution:
For the young man to know that this behavior does not take place in every place, but rather in a place of his own, and it is never allowed to practice it except in this place.
Dealing with the young man gently when he has sexual outbursts, as he needs someone to take his hands and guide him.
This solution may lead to him immersing himself in a barrage of masturbation and here the jam or companion has to occupy him so much with work that he forgets what he wants to do.
Do not depend on (if the young man has a degree of awareness, we have to talk to him and warn him against what he does...) All of this does not work and does not give a positive result and the young man does not refrain from this act because we agreed before that they are unsatisfied emotions and as long as the problem is related to emotions Humanity, softness, gives good results.
Controlling the behavior of young people with autism spectrum disorder depends on containing them and then developing sports programs that occupy them.
Satisfying their basic emotions such as... It is necessary to express his anger in the way he desires, as well as joy... as well as sadness
Learning acceptable positive behavior for children with autism spectrum disorder is difficult and easy for adults with autism. They are perfect in adolescence as long as we satisfy their basic emotions.
Set a routine for your child in dealing with buying and selling situations, for example. If he reaches the stage of mastery, change this routine and continue with him to the point of innovation and spontaneity. Training in positive behavior in a routine manner facilitates innovation and spontaneity in dealing.
* The most well-known method in our Arab countries is the Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) method.
* Psychological balance method. Which depends on taking care of the psychological aspect and the physical aspect together
The psychological aspect is based on giving priority to the emotional containment of the young man with autism spectrum.
The physical aspect / based on the importance of sport and movement in the life of a young man with autism spectrum.
1. Boredom
2. Social insecurity
3. The difference in language, dialect, or synonyms with which he was dealing
Assuming the term adolescence all burdens and mistakes is not correct. We have to search for the type of setback (linguistic, cognitive, behavioral, internal psychological). negative effect
There is nothing more important than accompanying the mother, father, brothers with a person with autism spectrum disorder, as it is the most important way of entertainment, after which sports and games of fine movements such as drawing and coloring and other favorite activities can be done for him.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), early indicators of a child's risk of developing autism spectrum disorder are:
At 12 months old, a child does not respond when his name is called.
At the age of 14 months, the child does not point his finger at objects. To show interest in it.
At 18 months of age, the child does not play imaginative play.
Not afraid of surrounding dangers.
It does not respond to traditional teaching methods.
He doesn't want to hug anyone, and no one wants to hug him.
Does not respond to verbal gestures (acts as if he is deaf).
Inappropriate laughter and giggle.
Poor or no eye contact.
Difficulty mixing with other children.
Gross and fine motor skills are abnormal (may not want to kick the ball but prefers blocking).
It rotates things.
Prefer to be alone
He appears to feel no pain.
He plays strangely and for a long time.
He gets angry and appears sad for no apparent or logical reason.
He insists on repeating the behavior and refuses to change the environment or routine.
He repeats the words he hears (repeats words or phrases in a recording form).
Has difficulty expressing needs, and uses signs or gestures to express words.
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